Kids Swimming
It is not about a kids swimming lesson, it is all about fun activities in the water!
The certified trainers of Wonderfin will teach you to swim like a real Dolphin! Take your change to discover your swimming skills in a kids swimming lesson full of joy and excitement.
If you are already comfortable in the pool, we will teach you how to swim like a professional swimmer by practicing on the four stroke swimming styles.
Our philosophy is based on the Montessori approach, following the principles:
Respect for the child.
Absorbent mind.
Sensitive periods.
Educating the whole child.
Individualized learning.
Freedom of movement and joy.
Prepared environment.
Intrinsic motivation.
No matter the swimming level or the child's age, our swimming teachers are adapting the whole lesson to each one individually, so we will have the best and fastest results.
Start your kids swimming lesson today!

Opening Hours
Let's Swim!
Monday to Friday
9:30am - 13:50pm & 15:30pm - 18:25pm
10:10am - 14:25pm